Development platform
MyLogic was developed with FastPrg, a development platform also created by NeuralSoft. FastPrg is a domain-specific programming language designed exclusively for developing business software. FastPrg makes it possible to develop ten times faster than general purpose languages. This is what allows MyLogic to modify or add functionality at the speed required by the business.
The main features of FastPrg are:
- No Code: No need to write code to program.
- The “What” and not the “How”: The programmer must only define the “What”, i.e. the desired behavior of the software. FastPrg solves the “How”.
- Predictive: Being domain-specific, MyLogic anticipates the programmer’s intentions when developing “business processes” and suggests a solution. Similar to predictive keyboards anticipating the word you want to type, if we create a transaction document such as a receipt, MyLogic will only generate the form for that document and its corresponding report. Afterwards, the programmer can make any desired changes to both the document and the report.
Cloud Premium
MyLogic operates in state-of-the-art datacenters with maximum security, interconnected by high-speed fiber optics. These datacenters are NeuralSoft exclusive property and are managed by technical personnel with the know-how accumulated over the more than 20 years NeuralSoft has been offering cloud solutions for business management.
In addition to infrastructure with state-of-the-art technology, we provide an all-inclusive service with the following benefits:
- 24×7 availability
- Support, maintenance and technical assistance to users by specialized personnel.
- Unlimited storage on solid-state disks.
- Disaster Recovery: Data is replicated in a server hosted in a different datacenter than the main server. This way, in case of serious hardware failures or disasters such as a fire or the total destruction of a datacenter, our clients will be able to continue operating with the system.
- Up-grades: Permanent software updates.
Customer Care: Remote and personalized functional assistance to the end user, online and by phone.
Impact analyzer
This component is intended to guarantee the compatibility of each new version of MyLogic released by NeuralSoft with the customizations and functionalities that have already been developed exclusively for each client, regardless of whether they were developed by NeuralSoft or by the client itself using the MyLogic Editor.
The Impact Analyzer (IA) acts as follows: When a user is developing new functionality, the IA checks that it does not generate inconsistencies or incompatibilities with the standard or MyLogic version. If he tries to do so, the IA prevents him from doing so and warns him about the “problem” it would generate and offers him the alternatives to solve it.
MyLogic can be used with relational database engines: SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.
Hot version changes - Full availability
It allows hot upgrades and downgrades, with all users connected, working at the usual pace. This ensures that users can make full use of the system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Permissions: In MyLogic, permissions are established by comprehension, i.e. by securing the data, so that someone who does not have expressly enabled access to a piece of data will not be able to access it by any means. This is a fundamental difference with respect to traditional security logic, which is established by extension, i.e. by securing each possible means of access to the data, which over time becomes very difficult to maintain and almost impossible to do without errors or security holes. Security can be established by users and user groups at the level of the different types of operations that can be performed and on both rows and columns. For example, salespeople in the city of Rosario can only consult customers in the province of Santa Fe, and they can see the credit limits of each customer but only modify the credit limits of their customers.
Auditing: MyLogic keeps full auditing, not only of the operations performed by each user, but also of those that the user tried to perform and were denied by the system due to lack of permissions.
Authentication: MyLogic supports multiple authentication methods: username and password, token, fingerprint reader, etc.
Interactivity among Users
- MyLogic offers different types of interactivity between users for different purposes:
- Monitoring: the purpose of use of this modality is control and security. Monitoring operates as a real-time audit. The monitoring user visualizes on his screen, live, exactly what the monitored user sees and the operations he is performing.
- Coaching: It is generally used for inductions and trainings. The “coach” user can share his screen with “n” number of users at the same time.
- Remote Session Control: It is usually used for technical or functional assistance purposes. A user can remotely take control of another user’s session if the latter authorizes it.
Unique internal code: full traceability
This is a technological differential of great value. Even if a code is modified in a master entity record, MyLogic always keeps an internal code through which it identifies that it is the same record.
For example, if all the products are recoded, and even the names and details are changed, MyLogic will continue to internally link the new code with the previous one, thus allowing MyLogic to take the same product as a single one when searching or generating statistics, even if its code and description have changed several times.
This provides a level of traceability and consistency to historical data that was previously unknown in the world of management systems.