The ERP Software you dreamed of

A new generation of Enterprise Software. From Argentina to the world. Loaded with Artificial Intelligence, MyLogic is the only ERP prepared to quickly adapt to the logic of each company.

An ERP Software, by definition, must fulfill 2 basic premises to be considered as such:

1) The integral management of all the processes of an organization.

2) Adaptability to the specific requirements of each company and to each moment in time.

Before MyLogic, however, ERPs had not been able to fully meet these requirements. Companies ended up adapting to the logic of the software much more than the software adapted to the logic of their business, and managed many processes outside the ERP, manually or with peripheral applications.

MyLogic, on the other hand, developed under a new technological paradigm, adjusts to the processes of each company and can modify its behavior at the speed required by the business. It also has disruptive features that are far superior to conventional ERPs.

MyLogic Benefits
  • Rapid ADAPTABILITY TO CHANGES demanded by the market.
  • Greater COMPETITIVENESS with specific functionalities to differentiate each business.
  • The freedom for each client to CO-CREATE with NeuralSoft the ultimate software for their company.
  • The guarantee of having customizations and customized developments COMPATIBLE WITH FUTURE VERSIONS of MyLogic.
  • Easy INTEGRATION with other software, machines and devices.
  • Better PROJECTIONS and tools to make DECISIONS and meet OBJECTIVES.
  • Very high levels of SECURITY and AUDITING that are easily manageable.
  • 90% SAVINGS in updates and modifications.
  • Maximum AVAILABILITY, keeping the system operational 24 x 7 x 365.
  • Agility in the SELF-MANAGEMENT operations of Suppliers, Customers and Distributors


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